The Wonderful World Mixed Peruvian Lily Bouquet blooms with an array of colors to create a full and captivating flower arrangement. Beautiful Peruvian Lilies, exhibiting the hues of red, pink, yellow, purple, and orange are brought together to form a large bouquet displaying 100 blooms to send your sweetest sentiments to friends, family, or co-workers near and far. This lily bouquet will make an incredible thank you, birthday, or get well gift. This bouquet includes 25 stems of the following: Lavender, Orange, Pink, Yellow, and Red Super Select Alstroemeria . Approximately 4 blooms per stem. Bouquet is approximately 15-inches in diameter. *May Arrive in Bud Stage. Your purchase includes a complimentary personalized gift message. DETAILS Approximately 15" diameter Free personalized gift message STEMS Lavender Lily Mixed Peruvian Lily